
About us
Company Profile

Qingdao Haifu machinery manufacture co. ltd. Well knomn as Haifua Machinery is one ot the biggeat waterjetloom and airjet loom supliers im China.with an extensive experience in this loom industry dati ng back tover 15 yoars aga. Haifu machinery has prospered with its comprehensivo salos, quallty and service, achieving great suppotsfrom customers inthe textile machineryieldg because of their loom machinery solutiong.

Haifu today has never been biger and stronger, with our al-lw factory based in the city of Siyang, China. Thepartnership with a Qingdao factory has made hai fu machinery the total manutacturning and assembling facill spacereaching an incredible 460,000 square foet. Both factories have a full capacily of CNC machineny, CNC Vertical Mill,CNC Horizontal drilig machinery, quality control unit, in house engineer, and painting line. Despite this, Haifumachinery is making sure every part that goes into the machine is a Haitu sel-made part.

With the longest srving worker working for us for 12 years, Haifu machinery ig able to keep the Excellency ofHaifu branded machines over a decade. F urthermore. what's worth mentioning the most is because of the high costand space esablishment requirement, the rarely used Phosphating pracess in loom machine making area has beenalao used on all Haifu machines parts and main boards. We build up out machines with insurance 1o the customerswith zero risk from machine rusting.

Now, we are proud to say that Haifu has airady taken up 95% af the market in the city af Keqia, China. Whichi8 known a8 ong of the largest and most impertant markelg for Chinege loom machine manufaclorieg. In the globaltextile marketplace, we team with agents over 10 countries, resulting in shipments to more than 15 countries eachyear. We are making grea! etforts in getti ng aur brand image stronger by perfecting each and every order.

Thankg to the trugt by our customerg, starting from the year 2012, we have been sending almost 2000 8et8of water ielooms to India, 100 sets to Turkmenistan, ûû sets of air jet looms to Sarianka and many other countriesacross the world by OEM, let alone the 50,00 sets sales record in China.